Fall Membership Special

Join NOW to receive Special Member Only Pricing for the Annual Conference.

The Benefits of Membership

We hope you will consider joining our association as an Associate Vendor Member. Your membership is a gateway to collaborating with a diverse group of county commissioners, and helps support our mission of strengthening our counties' partnership with the state. Our annual conference is exclusively for members only, giving you opportunities to connect with our commissioners. Our Associate members are very important us. We would value your membership and support of our association.

Associate Member: $500

Annual Membership

County Commissioners Directory
Five Copies of the ICC Directory

Published in March. Upon request, an electronic copy of our data base for county officials listed in our Directory.

ICC Website
Placement on ICC Website and Annual Directory

Published under Associate Members by alphabetic and category listing.*

Distribution List

Placement on Our Distribution List

Receive information and notices sent out by our Association


Associate Member Pricing for ALL ICC Sponsored Events

Our Annual Conference is for Members only and is held the week following Thanksgiving.

*Join or renew by January 30 each year to be listed in our printed hard copy of our Annual directory as an Associate Vendor Member. Members joining after January 30 will only be listed on our website.

Apply Today

If you are interested in joining our association you may simply complete our online New Membership application. Our board of Directors will review your application for approval of membership, and you will start receiving the above benefits.

We're Here to Help

If you have any questions or need assistance with the application, don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or call 317-229-3197.